Songs and rhymes shuffle box
Ages: any age.
Indoor or Outdoor: Both
-small squares of paper
-pen or pencil
-laminator & laminating sheets or plastic book contact
-a small container with a lid
-cardboard (recycled or new)
1) Write a list of as many of your child's favourite songs and rhymes as you and your child can think of.
2) Next write down one song or rhyme onto its own small piece of paper. Make sure it will fit into the container.
3) Glue each one onto some cardboard to make them stronger.
4) Next laminate or cover them in clear contact so they are wipeable.
5) Now all the cards are ready to be put into the container. Stand them up so it's easy for children to pick one.
6) Take this container with you whenever you go out with your kids. Whenever they are waiting or are bored they can just put their hand into the container and pull out a random card and say or do what it says on that card.
Aim: To fill in time, to have fun together, and to help parents decide what to do next to keep children occupied. No more racking your brains to think of something, just shuffle!
Time: Varies, play for as little or as long as you like.
Players: Any, could be individual or multi player.
Why?: It's fun, easy, portable and it means the box decides what you will do next. Each person gets a turn hopefully meaning less arguments.
Additions: Use this box at a birthday party, on a car trip, at mother's group or playgroup. You could add some action cards to it eg. do 5 star jumps, run on the spot while counting to 10, hop on one leg while tapping your head.
241786 - 2023-07-18 05:23:49