Shave Foam Fun
This is great sensory play for kids. It's messy so make sure your kids are in old clothes or have a paint smock on, it's also a good idea to do it outdoors. It does need to be supervised by adults as shaving foam should not be ingested or go anywhere near little eyes.
What you need:
shave foam
plastic confetti/glitter
food colouring (optional)
Place a plastic table cloth over your table and let the kids have turns in spraying out the foam onto the table.
Start by letting them play with the plain foam. This is a good place to show them how to form letters and numbers in the foam - you draw a letter and ask them to copy it.
Once they are bored of this, add in the plastic confetti, glitter or whatever other sensory objects you may have in the house. They can make snowmen, cakes or whatever else you or they can think of out of the foam.
You can also add in a couple drops of food colouring to show kids how the foam changes colour and keep adding different colours to see how mixing colours together creates new colours (eg. yellow and red to make orange).
This should keep your kids entertained for a wee while - even the pets may want to get involved!
241756 - 2023-07-18 05:23:13
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