Ice Cube Fun
This is a great activity for a hot day - perfect way to cool little hands down. Please note it is a messy activity so best played outdoors and make sure your kids are wearing a paint smock or old clothes.
What you need:
Ice cube trays/moulds of different sizes
Food colouring
Blank paper
Add water to all of your trays and then drop in a small amount of food colouring to each cube. (You can also keep some with out the food colouring). Place in the freezer until frozen.
Knock the cubes out of the trays and give each child an equal number of ice cubes.
A fun idea is to see who can construct a building of some description first, before the blocks melt. Or have a competition to see who has the fastest melting ice cube.
Alternatively the ice cubes can be used for painting on the paper. This is great sensory play for younger children. Let them rub their ice cubes all over their hands and then they can do hand prints on the paper.
As mentioned at the beginning this is very messy play. Have a jug of water handy to wash away any food colouring left on your table at the end of play. The food colouring will stain your kids hands temporarily - they can pretend they have alien hands!
To clean their hands at the end of playing, a trick is to use plain white toothpaste. Place a small amount on your kids hands and let them rub their hands together for as long as possible. Rinse under water and the colouring should disappear.
241784 - 2023-07-18 05:23:43
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