5 Ways To Keep Your Kids Entertained These Holidays

5 Ways To Keep Your Kids Entertained These Holidays

Posted 2015-10-01 by Robert Keithfollow
Entertaining your kids during the school holidays can be challenging, especially if you want to keep them active and away from the TV and games console.

There are some fantastic community programs on offer during the school holidays that will keep them active and entertained with a group of their peers, but if you’re the school holiday chaperone then you might be looking for some quality family activities which take advantage of the mild Spring weather.

We’ve put our thinking caps on and come up with 5 great boredom busters to try these school holidays.

1. Arts And Crafts

Image From Pixabay

Finger painting, cutting and pasting, paper mache, tie dying, clay modelling, knitting, sewing … the options are endless and there is something to tickle every age group. Google some projects you think your kids will enjoy and visit your local craft or two dollar shop to stock up on supplies. Make sure you muck in and have a go too and you’ll be amazed at how creatively stimulating simple arts and crafts are for the whole family.

2. Grow Your Own

Image From Pixabay

Are your kids picky eaters? Encouraging them to get out in the garden and teaching them how to grow their own veges can help make them more inclined to try new foods. Digging holes and planting something yourself also gives a sense of ownership over the fate of your seedling. If you don’t have the space or gardening expertise to plant a vege patch, think about something you can keep in a pot or plant a selection of herb seedlings that you can pinch a couple of leaves off and try right away.

3. Cook Up A Storm

Image From Pixabay

A day doesn’t pass without an episode of some new reality cooking program. Take advantage of the hype and get the kids in the kitchen. Grab some of those fresh herbs you’ve planted and teach your kids a healthy recipe or try baking these delicious jam buttons. If you don’t want your little ones helping out around the oven, there are heaps of other kid friendly recipes you can try or you can excite their imagination with a toy kitchen so that they can role play along with you at mealtimes.

4. Clothesline Art Show

Now that the house is bursting with artistic creations from the kid’s arts and crafts efforts, why not encourage their creativity? Peg them on the clothesline or setup an open air gallery to display their works of art. Invite family and friends over to enjoy the artwork and a gorgeous Spring afternoon. Your kids can serve the delicious jam buttons they helped cook earlier and show off their new herb garden.

5. Hold A Mini Olympics

Image From Pixabay

If your little ones are bursting with energy and just can’t sit still, try holding a mini Olympics at home or in a local park to get them active and outdoors. Sack races, egg races, hide and seek, baseball, croquet, handball … you name it You can join them if you’re feeling energetic or invite friends and neighbours to round out some teams. A little healthy competition in the name of fun is always an exciting way to get your kids involved in something other than the latest video games.


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